Invoices downloaded by ERP from AutoInvoice since Friday 24th are unable to be processed

Incident Report for Visma Cloud Services


AlI problematic invoices have been resent for processing, and should be visible shortly on Visma,net ERP side.
Posted May 27, 2019 - 17:52 CEST


The change causing the issue on ERP side has been reverted, and all new invoices are again processed normally.

We are working now to get all of the older files processed.
Posted May 27, 2019 - 13:49 CEST


After an update on Friday 24th ERP has been unable to process invoices downloaded from AutoInvoice service.

Reason is a change in the order of namespace elements in the downloaded invoice xml files. So far we have not heard that this would have caused issues with any other integrators.

AutoInvoice is looking to revert the change.
Posted May 27, 2019 - 12:50 CEST
This incident affected: Visma Net (Visma Net) and Common Services (Maventa / Visma .net AutoInvoice).